7 Things Highly Productive People Do Differently

7 Things Highly Successful People Do Differently

Why have you been unable to reach some of your goals, where many others are doing it successfully? If you aren’t sure, you are certainly not alone in this confusion. As a matter of fact, even brilliant, highly accomplished people cannot always understand why they succeed or fail. The instinctive answer – that you are born predisposed to the particular talents and lacking in others – is only one little piece of the riddle. Actually, many years of research on accomplishment suggests that successful people achieve their goals not  because of who they are, but rather because of what they do.

So what are these behaviors that define highly productive people? What strategies and habits make them reliably more productive than others? What can a person do to build up on their own productivity?

Here are some thoughts to ponder upon:

1. Commitment and Goal Setting:

The very first thing a successful person does is to set goals. Setting goals will help you rid yourself of those things that stand in the way of your achieving success. Successful people commit themselves 100 percent to the end result, knowing that the one distinction that differentiates them from the unsuccessful is their focus and commitment to a certain goal until they achieve it.

2. Create and Observe a DON’T DO List:

A ‘DON’T DO List’ is a list of things you shouldn’t do. This can be a very useful tool to keep track of your unproductive habits, such as continually checking Facebook and Twitter, browsing news sites randomly, and more. Create a ‘DON’T DO List’  and post it up in your workspace where you can see it.

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3. Seize the Moment To Act On Their Goals:

Knowing how busy we are, and how many goals we are juggling at the same time, it’s not hard tGoals setting and achievemneto understand why we routinely miss chances to follow up on some of our goals because we simply neglect to notice them. Was there no time at all to work out today? No opportunity to return that phone call? Realizing your goals means that you need to grasp these opportunities before you miss them.

It is important to decide ahead of time when and where you will take every action you plan to make. Also, be as specific as possible (e.g. If its Monday, Wednesday or Friday, I’ll work out for 30 minutes before work). Studies show that this type of planning will help your cerebrum to identify and grab the opportunity when it emerges, expanding your chances of success by approximately 300 percent.

4. Take Responsibility:

Successful people realize that they are the masters of their own fate. You would never hear them complaining about the things that stopped them from getting success. You won’t hear them making excuses. Rather, they push forward knowing that they are the main thing that will make or break their success.

5. Focus on One Task at a Time:

Stop multitasking, and start completing the more important things in an appropriate way. Single tasking helps you concentrate more eagerly on one task, so you can complete it properly, rather than doing numerous tasks and getting no task finished. Quickly changing from assignment to undertaking makes the brain less effective. Studies have demonstrated that task to task more than 10 times during an 8-hour segment of work drops a man’s IQ by 10-15 points.

6. Begin With the End in Mind:

As noted by Stephen R Covey; every successful person starts every task with a thought of what to achieve. Beginning with the ends in mind makes people focused and more productive. The reasoning in this type of planning will save time (and displeasure) later on.As somebody who has begun and abandoned more than his fair share of writing projects, I can certainly attest to this.

7. Be a Realistic Optimist:

While setting a goal, try engaging maximum positivity in your thinking about how you are capable of doing it. Having faith in your ability to succeed is amazingly useful for creating and sustaining your inspiration. However, whatever you do, don’t underestimate how hard it will be to achieve your goal. Most goals worth achieving require time, effort, planning and persistence.

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Tahir Akbar

Tahir Akbar is Digital Marketing Manager at Makesbridge. He loves to write about digital strategy & trends, email marketing, industry best practices, and management. He tweets at @tahirakbr