Promote Customer Loyalty

For all businesses, a loyal customer proves time after time to hold more value than new customers.  Loyal customers can be totalled up to 10 times the value of their first purchase. Businesses are able to rely on their number of loyal customers versus the amount of off and on customers.

A strategy of remaining competitive is realizing that the cost of gaining new customers is actually higher than maintaining an existing one.  From having a larger size of loyal customers, businesses have the opportunity to spend its marketing budget on improving the quality, service, and products.  


The following are strategies to launch your customer loyalty.


Continue reading Promote Customer Loyalty

Increasing Productivity

Every minute in the day is precious, and when working, it should be used towards being productive.  While being productive isn’t rocket science, it could be difficult to break the habit of how you manage your time. There are two different ways to increase your output, either put in countless more hours or, working more diligently, ultimately taking less time.  I believe that most people would prefer the second choice.


Here we have compiled the top five tips on improving your productivity. Continue reading Increasing Productivity

Advertising Footprint

In the a new age of technology, we live in an ever adapting world where strategies of marketing are always evolving.   We are all ultimately connected by the technology we surround ourselves with, making marketing to various audiences simpler than ever before.  Have you ever been on a digital platform such as Facebook and have an ad pop up for something you were just looking at the other day on a different website? This is because sales and marketing are becoming more personalized with every click you make.


Listed below are three ways how advertising and marketing are keeping up with the new age technology. Continue reading Advertising Footprint