6 Steps to Create a Landing Page that Converts

How to Create Landing Page

A landing page is a web page that makes you able to catch a visitor’s data through a lead form. Having a good landing page will help you target a particular audience. For example, traffic from an email campaign marketing a specific ebook, or visitors who click on a pay-per-click ad advertising your webinar. So it’s vital to build a unique landing page for each of the offers you make.

If you could create the ideal landing page, what would it look like? Think of it for a moment. What conversion rates could it get? What might the color scheme be? How would the value proposition read?

In this post, we will explain a step-by-step process for creating an ideal landing page — one that virtually reads people’s minds and causes them to convert.

1. Start With a Persona:

Let’s begin with some basic marketing advice. This point should be obvious, yet it bears mentioning. It frames the whole foundation to be able to determine what’s in the user’s mind in the steps ahead. The primary step is to create a persona. While creating personas, don’t put together eccentric ideas and details. With calculation and focus, choose accurately who the persona is. Remember, you will be selling a valued product to people like this.

2. Target the Right Keywords:

Try not to isolate your persona from your keywords. Most of the time, PPC bids are made by one department of a company, and landing pages are made by some other. The two teams may not be communicating with one another which is a mistake. Keywords and personas go together. Your persona has a large influence on the selection of a keyword and, taken together, the two characterize how you must develop your landing page.

3. Choose a Solid Call-to-Action:

Your CTA is among the most vital variables within your landing page. As discussed earlier, your landing page is the thing that focuses the user’s attention where you need it. Your landing page’s CTA is the core of that focus. It gives them a single option for action. Making it clear, differentiating in color, and engaging is a key part of a successful landing page.

4. Introduce Visual Power:

It takes you hours to shape the ideal landing page. At the same time, it takes the user only  seconds to choose whether he/she wants to convert. You must make a landing page with a very interesting visual interface so they will remain on the page. The brain processes visuals far speedier than a simple text. Although the exact number is not confirmed, some estimate that the mind’s visual processing abilities is 60,000 times quicker than the textual processing speed. This has huge consequences for the pace at which the landing page speaks to the client, as well as the intellectual and emotional effect that it has.

5. Make It About the Visitor:

Try not to bore the visitor by speaking a lot about yourself (this norm can apply to so many areas of life). Actually, visitors care less about your goals or your desires. They’re just paying special mind to #1. Showcase what you can do for them and how you can enrich their life.

6. A/B Testing:

Testing and improvement is the way we learn and improve ourselves. A/B testing your landing page (tweaking individual components and observing how they perform against the past setup) is actually the most powerful tool in creating outstanding landing pages. In case you are not sure about where to start, Signal versus Noise (Signal-to-noise ratio??) gives a worthy example of good A/B testing that is a simple read.


The surefire way to have a conversion-rich landing page is to have a mind reading landing page. No voodoo skills required. It starts with a deep knowledge of the user, and from that a response is developed. Follow these steps, and you’ll watch your conversion rates rise.

Makesbridge Landing Page E Guide


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Published by

Tahir Akbar

Tahir Akbar is Digital Marketing Manager at Makesbridge. He loves to write about digital strategy & trends, email marketing, industry best practices, and management. He tweets at @tahirakbr